12th Grade-Senior year
Finally, you have reached your senior year. Congratulations! This is a time for you to make your final lap. Don’t be afraid to make this a time when you challenge yourself to go out for a sport, join an activity, or take a class that you have not taken before. Seniors, please see the outline below for important benchmarks during your senior year. Make sure you’re on track to graduate and that you have passed your work samples or SBAC test. Before you decide on a college or trade school, visit the campus, and make sure it’s the right fit. Take advantage of all the resources the district provides for you, as these can really help as you finalize your next steps after graduation. Don’t be afraid to ask questions or ask for help, We want to make sure the decisions you make are grounded in solid research and you have dotted all i’s and crossed all t’s. Your senior year will fly by, so take advantage of every moment and make memories you will look back and be proud of!
Month by Month Checklist- http://oregongoestocollege.org/itsaplan/students-12 |
Review your transcript and make sure you are on track to graduate https://www.oregon.gov/ode/students-and-family/OregonDiploma/Documents/diploma-at-a-glance-2013-14.pdf |
Meet with your assigned counselor. A-K Ms. Jensen L-Z Mrs. Fawcett |
Ms. Jensen’s webpage has a list of local, state, and national scholarships- http://shs.santiam.k12.or.us/resources/scholarships/ |
How to write a resume-https://novoresume.com/career-blog/high-school-resume |
How to get a letter of recommendation-https://www.nshss.org/blog/how-to-properly-ask-a-teacher-for-a-letter-of-recommendation/ |
The Oregon Promise https://www.oregonstudentaid.gov/oregon-promise.aspx |
Youth Transition |
What is Youth Transition ?- https://ytp.uoregon.edu/ |
State of Oregon Vocational Services- https://www.oregon.gov/dhs/employment/VR/Pages/Index.aspx |
What is Vocational Training for someone with a special need? https://www.vocationaltraininghq.com/best-vocational-training-programs-disabled/ |
Upward Bound-https://www.upwardboundcamp.org/ |
Find a job- https://www.galtfoundation.org/our-mission |
Opportunities- https://riseservicesinc.org/services/oregon/ |
Volunteer |
Americorp- https://americorps.gov/ |
Peacecorp- https://www.peacecorps.gov/ |
Volunteer Ideas- https://www.today.com/pages/volunteer-tips |
Direct to Job |
State of Oregon Department of Employment- https://www.oregon.gov/employ/pages/default.aspx |
Employment Information- https://www.qualityinfo.org/ |
Worksource of Oregon- http://www.worksourceoregon.org/ |
Job fairs/events- https://www.oregon.gov/EMPLOY/jobseekers/Pages/Job-Fairs-and-Events.aspx |
What do know about attending a virtual job fair- https://learn.joinhandshake.com/students/attending-a-virtual-career-fair-here-are-10-tips-you-need-to-know/ |