10th Grade

10th Grade-Your sophomore year

You did it! You are one more year closer to graduating. Now that you have finished your freshman year, you should start off the year reviewing your transcript. As a sophomore, you should be starting the year with 7 credits. When you review your transcript at the beginning of your sophomore year, you should see a cumulative GPA. This is your overall GPA thus far in school. It will also show you your class ranking. It is important to stay on track for graduation and be thinking about your next steps after high school. A link will be provided below for you to compare your transcript to the Oregon Diploma to make sure you are on track.

Are you on track to graduate? Request a copy of your transcript and compare it with The Oregon Diploma  https://www.oregon.gov/ode/students-and-family/OregonDiploma/Pages/default.aspx
Here is a link to a checklist for 10th graders, Click on the link and see what you can do to prepare yourself http://oregongoestocollege.org/itsaplan/students-10