

This page will be updated with information about current opportunities for scholarships and important deadlines, sorted by date due. 

If you have any questions about a scholarship, etc, please contact your counselor:

Amy Jensen last names A-K, grades 6-12

Debbie Fawcett last names L-Z, grades 6-12

Go here to fill out your financial aide: FAFSA Link

Go here to fill out and find Oregon scholarships and grants:

         OSAC (Office of Student Access and Completion)Oregon’s Scholarship database

OSAC Closes on March 3, 2025 for all scholarships or grants!

Welcome Back!!

Scholarships 2024-2025

Scholarships are listed by date due. 


(CLOSED)Elks National Scholarship

DUE November 12, 2024




    • Current high school seniors, or the equivalent, who are citizens of the United States are eligible to apply.


    • Applicants do not need to be related to a member of the Elks.


    • High school graduates are not eligible to apply.


  • Applicants must be citizens of the United States on the date their applications are submitted; permanent legal resident status does not qualify.


FLYER below:


University of Oregon Quinn Scholarship

(CLOSED)DUE November 21, 2024


The Quinn scholarship is a gift given to a graduate of Santiam Jr. Sr. High School by William L Quinn’s step son, Stanford Smith. Smith attended the University of Oregon, financed by his step father William L. Quinn who was a Mill City lumber office manager in the 1930’s. Stanford Smith, whose family history was bleak at best, became a successful businessman in Portland, Oregon following his graduation from the University of Oregon. The scholarship was set up for Santiam students because Stanford received the gift of a university education from his step father William L. Quinn.




Abby’s Closet Dreams Scholarship

(CLOSED) Due February 2, 2025

2025 Dreams Scholarship

Abby’s Closet is pleased to offer four scholarships, totaling $9,500, to graduating women attending high schools in Oregon or SW Washington, who will be entering any one of these schools in the fall:

·   Trade School ($1,500)

·   Community College ($2,000)

·   4-Year University or College ($3,000)

·  Elaine A. Davis Memorial Scholarship for Healthcare Fields ($3,000) (Note: All applicants who will be studying for a career in a healthcare field will be considered for this scholarship.)

Tell us about your dreams and aspirations for the future. The applicant in each category who best embodies the spirit and mission of Abby’s Closet will be given the scholarship award. The award winners will have the honor of helping to officially open the Abby’s Closet Prom Dress Giveaway at the Oregon Convention Center on Saturday, April 5, 2025, and be one of the first students to select a prom dress.

Applications are due by 10:00 pm February 2, 2025. Winners will be notified by March 14, 2025.

**Please read the 2025 Scholarship Information below before completing the application:

2025 Dreams Scholarship Requirements

Dreams Scholarship – Frequently Asked Questions 

For questions related to the Dreams Scholarship, please email

The preferred method of submittal is through our online application. We no longer accept applications through U.S. mail. Please click here to contact the Abby’s Closet Dreams Committee with questions.


Al Forthan Memorial Scholarship

(CLOSED)DUE February 3, 2025


The Al Forthan Memorial Scholarship is awarded to an Oregon high school senior from a family affected by alcohol or drug addiction. Affected by addiction means you have been raised by a parent or guardian who has experienced addiction or you have abused alcohol or drugs and are now pursuing recovery.

One $10,000 scholarship will be awarded in 2025.  It will be allocated in $2,500 installments over four years.

To be eligible for the $10,000 scholarship you will need to include in your application a one page (maximum) letter of support from a teacher, coach, school counselor, adult mentor, pastor, etc. describing your character and why they recommend you for this scholarship.

Several other scholarships of various amounts will be awarded in 2025. To be eligible for the scholarships less than $10,000 you do not need a letter of support.



Chemeketa Scholars 2025 

3.5 and above GPA

Applications DUE February 24, 2025 through March 7, 2025

YOU MUST HAVE A K NUMBER (apply ahead of time, ask your counselor)

What’s New with Chemeketa Scholars

  • Apply for Fall 2025 admission (application available in November)
  • Chemeketa Scholars application available February 24 – March 7, 2025
    The application is restricted to Chemeketa’s system users. In order for the application to open, you must be logged into your Chemeketa student email
  • Scholars applicants should also apply for the Oregon Promise as well as financial aid


High School Students

  • Attend a high school within Chemeketa’s district or reside in Chemeketa’s district
  • Have an unweighted cumulative GPA of 3.50 or higher. This GPA is through first semester/trimester of the final year of high school
  • Be on track to earn a high school diploma
  • Enroll full-time (12-18 credits) at Chemeketa in the first fall term after graduation


Oregon ACTE Scholarship

Due March 1, 2025


Scholarship Details

Oregon ACTE is comprised of around 900 members, who are teachers, administrators, and other CTE (Career and Technical Education) professionals from both the secondary and post-secondary level.

We are excited to announce scholarship opportunities for high school seniors, community college students, and students currently enrolled in other post-high school Career and Technical Education (CTE) programs.

These scholarships are designed to support the academic and professional growth of students pursuing specialized skills in fields such as health care, technology, skilled trades, and more. Multiple scholarships will be awarded to eligible students, offering financial assistance to help further their education and career goals. This initiative underscores Oregon ACTE’s commitment to promoting CTE education and empowering the next generation of skilled professionals. Students interested in applying are encouraged to submit their applications and take advantage of this valuable opportunity. Scholarship applications will open on 1/7/2025 and close on March 1, 2025. For questions or more information, please contact Lisa Klingsporn at


Students must be either a senior in high-school in/that has taken a CTE program/courses, or currently enrolled in a CTE or trade program in a community college, trade school, or certification program. We have awarded scholarships to students all over the state, from small towns and big cities, and in all kinds of programs.

Due Date: March 1, 2025

Application will include one of the following:
-Video (3-5 minutes) or
-PPT or google slide presentation or
-Essay (750 words or less)


Youth Benefit Golf Scholarship

DUE MARCH 1, 2025


Youth Benefit Golf Tournament Scholarship Application 2024-25_Fillable

Selection criteria for the scholarships will be based upon active community involvement and dedication to
community service. The scholarships will be open to senior level students who will be graduating from either
Santiam, Regis or Stayton High Schools the year in which they apply. Graduating seniors from the Oregon
Charter Academy (ORCA) that reside within the boundaries of either the Santiam Canyon School District or the
North Santiam School District will also be eligible. Scholarships are eligible for any college, university or trade
school within the United States. Either the applicant or the person sponsoring the applicant will be expected to
include five copies in one envelope of the following in their application packet in the order in which they appear
on this list:
1. A completed Youth Benefit scholarship application form (black ink/black font only)
a) Application may be downloaded from our website at
2. Unofficial or official transcript including your GPA information
3. At least one letter of recommendation
4. Any additional information you wish to submit
Scholarship application materials should be sent to the Youth Benefit Golf Scholarship Committee, 21 SW 11 th
Avenue, Mill City, OR 97360. This year’s scholarship applications must be postmarked by March 1, 2025.


Ford Family Scholarships

DUE: MARCH 3, 2025

Applicants must meet the following requirements:

  • Resident of Oregon or Siskiyou County, California
  • Graduating high school senior, recent graduate, or equivalent, and never enrolled full time in a two- or four-year college program
  • Goal to earn a bachelor’s degree
  • Fall enrollment of application year, attending full time, on campus at a federally financial aid-eligible public or private (nonprofit) college, based in their home state of Oregon or California*
  • Face significant barriers – financial and otherwise – to attending college
  • A completed financial aid application

*Residents of Siskiyou County may attend Oregon Institute of Technology, Southern Oregon University or Klamath Community College if they qualify for in-state tuition. Online college education programs do not qualify.

Link to all scholarships:


The Randy Walker Memorial Scholarship
DUE April 1, 2025
LINK was sent to ALL Santiam Senior email addresses. 

The Randy Walker Memorial Scholarship is a $2,500 non-renewable scholarship awarded to up to two Santiam graduates annually. It was established in 2025 through the generosity of Jim Frank and the Frank Foundation.

Randy Walker moved to the Santiam Canyon in 1972 and attended Santiam High School. He worked at Frank Lumber Company for 50 years and volunteered for the Mill City Fire Department for 40 years. Randy had an unparalleled work ethic and a positive attitude.  He served as a leader in his career at Frank Lumber, in his role on the Mill City Fire Department, and in his personal life. Randy had an excellent sense of humor and was a devoted husband, father, grandfather, and friend. He was an avid hunter, fisherman, and horseman.

 This scholarship is intended for a Santiam High School senior who is pursuing one of the following pathways:

  • A career in the trades. Funding can be used for tuition towards a training program, or for expenses related to training such as tools or equipment. (Proof of acceptance into a certified training program is required.)

  • A career in firefighting or EMT/Paramedic. Funding can be used for tuition towards a training program, or for expenses related to training such as tools or equipment. (Proof of acceptance into a certified training program is required.)

All applications must be submitted by April 1. 

Oregon State University Agriculture Scholarship
DUE April 1, 2025
The Timothy Scott Wirth Memorial Scholarship was established in 1990 by the Byron and Edna Scott Family of Linn County in memory of their grandson, Tim Wirth.  Tim was enrolled in the Crop Science program at OSU but died of cancer in 1989.  The purpose of this scholarship is to provide financial assistance to deserving students from Linn and Benton Counties who are, or anticipate being, enrolled in the College of Agricultural Sciences at Oregon State University.
Recipient Selection Criteria:
  1. Applicants must be graduates of Linn County or Benton County secondary school programs in Oregon.
  2. Applicants must be entering or currently enrolled undergraduate students in the College of Agricultural Sciences at Oregon State University.  Selection preference will be given to Crop and Soil Science majors, but all are encouraged to apply.
  3. Selection preference will be given to young people who come from a rural farm background and/or have been involved in FFA or 4-H in high school.
  4. Selection preference will be given to those applicants who contribute their own financial resources to their college education.
This scholarship application is available at the following location (students may request a fillable pdf application form if desired):
Application Deadline:  April 1, 2025
Scholarship award recipient(s) will be selected by the Scott and Wirth families in Linn County.  Awarded scholarships shall be divided into three equal increments to be awarded each term of the academic year and will be directly deposited into the students OSU account.

Santiam Hospital Auxiliary Scholarship 
DUE April 4, 2025

You must be pursuing a career in a healthcare industry (Physician, Physician Assistant, Nursing, Radiology, Speech, Occupational and Physical Therapy, EMT, Pharmacy). If your field of study is not listed, please contact us for clarification prior to applying.  Dental, veterinarian, administration, and nutritional fields of study are excluded.

We will begin accepting applications by email on February 14, 2025. Email address is  Application packets must be complete and received no later than five o’clock on the first Friday in April (April 4, 2025).  It must arrive before the deadline to qualify.

You must be willing to attend an interview, via Zoom/Teams or in person.  The tentative date for interviews is the third week in April, (April 1-18 2025).  Interviews last approximately fifteen minutes.  One of the Auxiliary members will call you with an appointment date and time if you are eligible for an interview.  You will be sent an email with the Zoom/Teams address, or notified when to meet in person, prior to the meeting date and time.

Linn County Farm Bureau Scholarship
DUE April 8, 2025


Linn County Farm Bureau promotes involvement with education in agriculture, leadership, and attracting new students to agriculture, thus promoting a future in agriculture.


  1. Applicants must be from Linn County, Oregon, including graduates of Linn County, Oregon high schools including homeschool.
  2. Pursuing a college degree or trade certification in agriculture, forestry, or related field.
  3. The applicant must be a graduating high school senior or a full-time freshman, sophomore, or junior at an accredited college or trade school.
  4. Minimum GPA of 2.8 or GED score
  5. Full time student (12 credits/quarter, minimum)
  6. Incomplete applications and applicants not meeting the minimum eligibility requirements will not be considered.

Award Amount

 The scholarship may be awarded up to $1,000.


  1. Complete the official application and sign
  2. Provide High School transcript(s)
  3. Provide College transcript(s), showing GPA and all courses to date.
  4. Provide two (2) letters of recommendation. One letter must be from an employer, agriculture/ forestry advisor/instructor, or teacher. Letters must be from a non-relative.
  5. Applicant’s one-page essay describing your reason for choosing your desired agriculture / forestry profession.
  6. Completed forms can be submitted electronically or via USPS and must be received by April 8, 2025.
    1. If emailing, please send to
    2. If sending via USPS, please mail to: Linn County Farm Bureau

Attn: Scholarship Committee

33254 Highway 99E

Tangent, OR 97389

Brent Strohmeyer Memorial Scholarship
DUE April 15, 2025

Brent Strohmeyer (son of Russ and Margie Strohmeyer) of Stayton, OR, died at the age of 20 years as a passenger in an auto accident on September 6, 2001. He was very active in the automotive hobby and loved attending car shows and cruise-ins in his Hugger Orange ’69’ Chevelle.

Brent enjoyed working on cars and continually strove to learn more and improve his automotive skills. He was a gifted artist and like drawing cars and trucks. His work was featured on car show t-shirts and posters.

Brent believed that classic cars were to be restored, maintained and driven. Not to be neglected, crushed or left to rust away in a field.

We enjoy driving Brent’s Hugger Orange ’69 Chevelle (he and his dad built) and his V-8 S-10 pickup (he built.)

Fund for $2,000.00 in scholarships are raised yearly through sponsorship, donations, t-shirt sales and raffles at our Stro’s Wednesday Nite Cruise – Ins at the Stayton A&W. Cruise-ins are the 1st and 3rd Wednesdays of the month June thru September.

Please feel free to apply for the Brent Strohmeyer Memorial Scholarship
See Scholarship Application (MS Word  or  Adobe PDF) for details on Eligibility, Selection Process, Amount and more.

Mid-Willamette Chapter of Oregon Hunters Association
DUE April 25, 2025
OHA awards scholarships to applicants based on the criteria identified herein while pursuing areas of study and careers that support OHA’s mission of “Protecting Oregon’s wildlife, habitat and hunting heritage.”
Who is eligible for an OHA scholarship?
Eligible applicants must be new or returning college students enrolled in any accredited trade school, technical school, college, or university. Applicants must be in a field of study which aligns with OHA’s mission. Fields of study may include, but are not limited to fish & wildlife, wildlife biology, forestry, environmental policy & planning, environmental law, public lands management, wildlife law enforcement, natural resources.
Who is not eligible for an OHA scholarship?
The following individuals and their family members are ineligible for awards: OHA officers and directors, members of the selection committee, trustees, and substantial financial contributors.
What criteria are used to judge applicants?
Applicants are judged on their application, eligibility requirements, volunteer work, essay and other materials provided. Applications will be reviewed by the OHA Scholarship Committee with recommendations to the board of directors. Below are the criteria by which each applicant’s information will be evaluated. Consider the following points when answering application questions or writing your essay.
• Major course of study
• Involvement in OHA or other habitat projects (applicants will not be limited to OHA members)
• Extracurricular participation
• Leadership skills
• Community activities
• Awards
• Work experience
• Essay: Content, structure, and grammar
• Photos of you engaged in outdoor activities or community service • An example of a goal you set for yourself and how you accomplished it.
How are scholarship funds dispersed?
The scholarship funds will be sent directly to the school at which the student is enrolled and will be credited to their account. The scholarship award is a one-time gift and must be able to be used in the year it is awarded. Any unused funds will be returned to the scholarship fund by the school to be used for future awards.
What must I do to be considered for an OHA scholarship?
Applicants must complete the scholarship application form.
A recipient may apply for the scholarship again in subsequent years; however, winners will be selected from all eligible applicants each year and past success does not guarantee future success. If awarded a scholarship, the recipient will provide OHA with the college scholarship contact information. OHA will contact the school and arrange for funds to be provided directly to the school.

PEO Scholarship for Ladies Only 2025
DUE APRIL 30. 2025
See Ms. Jensen for more information and to apply
Ladies of the Class of 2025,
You have the opportunity to be sponsored by the PEO “Philanthropic Educational Organization” which is a philanthropic organization where women motivate, educate and celebrate women. Our beautiful office, friendly staff and dedicated volunteer leaders make working at P.E.O. an ideal opportunity to add positivity to the world.
Below is the link to the PEO site. You cannot apply on the site,  you would need to give me permission to send your phone number and email to Linda Williams who is the representative for our area. She will then call you and recommend you. That is when she would send the link to apply. 
The due date will be 30 days after you receive the email. 
See Ms. Jensen if you would like to learn more about this scholarship! 

Eligibility Requirements

A woman is eligible for consideration for a STAR Scholarship if she:

  • Is recommended by a local chapter of the P.E.O. Sisterhood
  • Is a citizen or legal permanent resident of the United States or Canada
  • Has a minimum cumulative unweighted GPA of 3.0 on a 4.0 scale
  • Exhibits excellence in leadership, academics, extracurricular activities, community service and potential for future success
  • Plans to attend an accredited postsecondary education institution in the United States or Canada full time or part time in the fall of the academic year following her high school graduation

The applications of individuals who satisfy these eligibility criteria will be evaluated on a nondiscriminatory basis without consideration of race, age, national origin, religious affiliation, disability or P.E.O. connection.

Larry K. Sharpf Foundation Scholarship
DUE May 2, 2025
We are pleased to be back this year to offer scholarships in your district. We are happy to
report we have awarded over $900,000 in 5 years to students in Oregon!
If our scholarship is new to you, welcome! This is our 6th year offering in your district. Attached
is the application and a flyer you can post.
All criteria is the same for the 2024-2025 school year. We hope that you can assist us again in
directing those qualified and deserving to apply for an LKS Scholarship. We would like to
stress the importance of getting applications in EARLY. The selection process is lengthy and
priority will go to first applicants received. Our deadline this year is May 2, 2025.
Eligibility criteria:
• Cumulative High School GPA 3.5 or higher/transcripts must include 1st semester grades.
• Annual household income level of $75,000/year or less (FAFSA proof or Tax Return for 2023
AND two current pay stubs)
• Resident of Oregon and a U.S. Citizen.
• Live in Marion, Benton, Linn or Lane County.
• Pass a background check.
• Attend a school in Oregon as a full time student.
• 2 or 4 year programs accepted. Public, Private or Trade.
• Students who are receiving institutional, state and federal aid that exceeds the direct costs of
tuition, fees, room and board are excluded from the applicant pool.
Applications are available on our website LKSSCHOLARSHIP.ORGNOTE: mailing address
listed on application is in Arizona. This is where we accept applications.